Wow! What a machine (or group of machines)! This massive projection of the roadways in Tokyo gives quite the impression. It is fully automatic and the technology here is quite advanced. Tokyo Traffic Control Center works primarily to 1) analyze and collect traffic information 2) communicate data with road users 3) improvement of process.
The traffic control center has a very high tech arsenal to measure traffic. First they use ultra-sonic recorders that can measure the sound of cars coming. Second they use inferred cameras to detect heat. Lastly they use optical cameras. These three devices used together help monitor traffic in Tokyo. These devices are so precise they are even used to detect pedestrians. These three devices together report back information that automatically controls whether the light should remain green, prolong a yellow, or if it is ready to go red for another roadway to open up. They use this technology to keep traffic at a minimum as well as helping buses stay on time. There is even technology that measures cars that run yellows, to give the traffic more time to clear the intersection through prolonged yellow lights. These are only activated when a car is detected and continues through the light. The amazing thing is that all of this is computer operated!
Another cool thing (on top of the devices that record the traffic) is the software along the puts the information together onto a map with analyzed data. This projection screen is monitoring traffic and can show up on streets with high amounts of traffic. Red meaning average 10 km/hr while orange represents traffic going under 20 km/hr. There is public access to this map that updates every 15 seconds!
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